5 Benefits of Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

In this article we will discuss the sumo deadlift high pull, a powerful posterior chain exercise that can increase strength and hypertrophy of the hips, hamstrings and back; and more. Below we will discuss five main benefits of the sumo deadlift high pull, which are also discussed in the sumo deadlift high pull exercise guide.

Sumo Deadlift High Pull Exercise Demo

In the below video the barbell sumo deadlift high pull is demonstrated. Note, that this exercise can also be done using dumbbells, kettlebells (single or double), and other various types of resistance.

5 Benefits of the Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Below are five benefits of the sumo deadlift high pull that coaches and athletes can expect to gain when programming this movement into a workout program. Note, that many of benefits below can also be said about simply performing high pulls/upright rows and/or deadlifts, but the combination of the two in the sumo deadlift high pull takes things to a whole new level.

Posterior Chain Development

Deadlifting in general can increase strength and hypertrophy of the glutes, hamstrings, and back; all of which are critical muscle groups that make up the posterior chain. When looking to increase athletic performance for activities such as running, sprinting, jumping, power sports, etc we find that increased hip and hamstring strength is a great indicator for athletic performance. Performing the sumo deadlift high pull does have its limitation in developing maximal strength and hypertrophy of the hips and hamstrings as the upper body (from the high pull) often limits the total training load (volume + repetitions) a lifter can handle since the hamstrings and hips are a much stronger muscle group than the upper body. In this case, it may be best to focus on the sumo deadlift separately to maximize glute and hip strength.

Foundational CrossFit Movement

While this may or may not actually be a benefit, it is beneficial for CrossFit members and athletes to master this moment as it is one of the nine pillar exercises in CrossFit programming methodologies. The sumo deadlift high pull is often seen in metabolic conditioning sets or for muscle building in most gyms at some point throughout the year.

Power Output Abilities

Increasing the power output of the posterior chain (see above benefits) is key for explosive movements in sports and training. Movements like the sumo deadlift high pull (and power snatches, power cleans, jerks, push presses, and squat jumps) can increase a lifter’s ability to promote force at increasing higher velocities. This can help a lifter run faster, jump higher, and be generally more explosive. With that said, the sumo deadlift high pull does have its limitation as yet again the upper body may limit the amount of loading a lifter can use relative to the lower body strength capacity. In this situation, the power clean, jumping shrug, or clean pull may be a better option for maximal power development.

Total Body Compound Movement

When looking at which exercises offer athletes and coaches the most time efficient way to stimulate muscle tissue growth, strength, and fitness, we look at movements that induced muscle actions across many joints at once. By doing so, we are able to target many muscles groups at one time, often increasing athleticism, strength, and functional fitness. Movements like the sumo deadlift high pull can be integrated into most programs to increase hip, hamstring, and back hepatopathy, strength, and function.

Metabolic Conditioning

Metabolic workouts are often done with total body, compound exercises that can be done for higher repetitions in a cyclical fashion. The sumo deadlift high pull can be used in metabolic conditioning workouts (as well as some of these sumo deadlift high pull alternatives) to increase aerobic and anaerobic capacity, muscle fatigue, and enhance overall stamina and endurance at high intensities if programmed accordingly.

Build a Stronger Posterior Chain NOW

Start doing these exercises to improve posterior chain strength and performance for bigger, stronger, lifts.

Featured Image: CrossFit on YouTube