Horizon T101 Treadmill Review

At under $1000, there's a lot to like about the Horizon T101 other than price.

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With it’s just-right combination of affordability and useful features, the Horizon T101 Treadmill is an outstanding addition to any home gym. It features a sturdy frame, zoned cushioning, and folds up to minimize its footprint when not in use. Though it doesn’t have some high-tech features, like interaction classes, you can use the Bluetooth speakers, tablet rack, and your mobile device to approximate the instructor-led experience.

Main Takeaways

  • The Horizon T101’s zoned cushioning system reduces the impact on your joints and lessens your fatigue.
  • The treadmill’s Johnson Drive System motor has an excellent balance of power and noise reduction.
  • The integrated Bluetooth speakers and tablet rack make it easy for you to stream media while working your legs.
Horizon T101 Treadmill
Horizon T101 Treadmill
Horizon T101 Treadmill

The T101 from Horizon has a solid mix of tech and running features. Whether you're looking for integrated bluetooth speakers, or a reliable motor to keep you moving, the T101 has something for everyone. 

Horizon T101 Treadmill Highlights

There’s a lot to like about the Horizon T101. However, there are a few reasons why it may not be for everyone. If you’re looking for a simple affordable unit that will supplement your weightlifting, then this model will be a good fit. Yet, if you are a taller person or have a longer stride, you may want to look elsewhere.

Who Should Buy the Horizon T101 Treadmill 

  • Runners who are looking for a good treadmill for under $1,000.
  • Anyone who doesn’t care about having fancier features, like a large screen.
  • Apartment dwellers with limited space and paper-thin walls.

Who Shouldn’t Buy the Horizon T101 Treadmill 

  • Heavier people and individuals with a longer stride.
  • Runners who are training to win 5K races.
  • Someone who wants to follow interactive classes.


The Horizon T101 is one of the most affordable treadmills you’ll find. Despite its relatively-low price tag below $1000, you can still expect great Bluetooth connectivity, a quiet motor, and a zoned variable response cushioning system that will keep your joints happy.

Overall Build and Quality

The frame is durable yet lightweight enough to easily fold or move with a friend. And, while the motor tops out at 10 mph, it runs quietly. And, if you really want to put your legs to the test, you can amp the incline to 10 percent.


The Horizon 101 offers several helpful basic features, such as a fan, speakers, Bluetooth connectivity, and more. While the alphanumeric LED windows are unimpressive, the built-in tablet rack makes it easy for you to add your own screen. This machine is all you need whether you’re going for a long jog or just putting in a few miles.

Incline range 

The incline range of the Horizon T101 is zero to 10 percent. And, there are quick buttons on the control panel for making effortless adjustments.

Speed range

The speed range isn’t as impressive as other treadmills, but it should be enough to serve the needs of the vast majority of home gym users. You can achieve speeds of up to 10 miles per hour. 

Included workouts 

Whether you’re looking to increase muscle tone or lose weight, you can use one of the 30 pre-programmed workouts to reach your fitness goals. You can choose programs that vary in distance, time, calories burned, and more.


The display of the Horizon T101 consists of three LED alphanumeric windows. You can use these to track all of the usual workout metrics, like calories, distance, heart rate, incline, speed, and time.


The Horizon T101 comes with integrated speakers that you can connect to using Bluetooth so you can skip the headphones or earbuds, which can sometimes fall out of your ears as you’re jogging.


The Horizon T101 features a cooling fan to keep you from overheating while getting those gains.

Heart Rate Monitoring 

The Horizon T101 relies on contact grips on the handlebar for monitoring heart rate. You simply hold onto the grips, and it offers you feedback on your heart rate. Since holding onto a handlebar while running is awkward, you might want to consider using a separate heart rate monitor for a more accurate reading.

HDMI, USB and Other Inputs

Charge your devices while putting in the miles with the USB charging port. And, if you prefer to skip the Bluetooth connection, you can plug your headphones directly into the audio jack.

Bluetooth and Audio Options 

Link your mobile devices, including phone and tablet, to the integrated speakers with the Horizon T101’s Bluetooth connection. This makes it an excellent solution for listening to your favorite songs or watching streaming media.

Water Bottle, Cup Holders, Tablet and Phone Holders 

In the center of the console is a tablet rack. And, while there aren’t any holders specifically designed for cups or water bottles, there are spots on either side of the display for keeping your drinks and other accessories.

Product Specs 

The Horizon T101 comes with an impressive array of specs considering its price tag, including a well-designed cushioning system, small footprint, and effortless Bluetooth connectivity. Plus, you can effortlessly fold the deck. Despite the durability, the unit only weighs in at 180 pounds so you and a buddy could conceivably move it if necessary.

Motor Size 

The 2.5 CHP Johnson Drive System recalibrates with each footfall so you don’t experience surges or lags. It’s designed to make your conditioning workouts more enjoyable by maintaining a steady running rhythm.

Running Area

The running area of the Horizon T101 is slightly smaller than most treadmills at 20 inches wide by 55 inches long. However, this should be plenty of space for most users when performing most activities, including side shuffles.

Weight Capacity 

With a 300-pound weight capacity, the vast majority of users will be able to hop on this treadmill without any concern. However, if you’re a larger person trying to up the intensity with a weighted vest, you might want to consider a more heavy-duty treadmill.

Folding Options

Horizon Fitness prides itself on the “featherlight” hydraulic folding abilities of its treadmill frames. In addition to offering stable and strong support during your HIIT workouts, the frame folds up easily. Just lift from the back and fold it up until it stays in place.

Footprint While In Use vs Folded 

When the treadmill is set up and ready to use, the footprint is 75 inches long by 34 inches wide by 58 inches high. When in the folded position, these dimensions are 47 inches long by 34 inches wide by 65 inches high. When you live in tight quarters, those extra inches can help, especially when you want to free up space for other at-home workouts.

Max Speed and Incline Range 

The 2.5 CHP motor of the Horizon T101 only supports speeds up to 10 mph and inclines up to 10 percent. This will be enough for the vast majority of users, but if you’re a CrossFit beast or competitive runner, you might want something more expensive.

Electrical Requirements 

You’re all set when it comes to electrical requirements as long as you have a grounded/three-prong 120-volt, 15-amp outlet in your workout area. 


The frame and motor are covered by a generous lifetime warranty, but parts and labor are only covered for up to a year. These warranties only apply for residential home use and not commercial use.

Belt Information and Roller Size 

The Horizon T101 features a 1.4 millimeter silicone belt with tapered rollers that range from 42 to 46 mm. And, the durable 0.7-inch deck offers the support you need as you sprint it out.

Cushioning and Feel

One of the Horizon T101’s prime features is its cushioning, ideal for runners who have experienced knee injuries. The three-zone variable response cushioning system is designed to give you more comfort and less fatigue so you can work out longer. It supplies firmer cushioning in the push-off zone and an impact zone with softer cushioning.

Workout Apps and Compatibility 

While the Horizon T101 is not directly compatible with any fitness apps, you can connect via Bluetooth to follow workouts on your mobile device.

Subscription Options 

The lack of built-in streaming alternatives is one of the biggest downfalls of the Horizon T101. But, you can stream classes from other fitness apps by using the tablet holder, Bluetooth speakers, and your mobile device. 

Places to Buy 

In addition to availability directly from Horizon Fitness, the Horizon T101 can be purchased at Dick’s Sporting Goods.

Company Information 

Founded in 1999, Horizon Fitness is a subsidiary of Johnson Health Tech. In addition to treadmills, the company is known for its ellipticals and indoor cycles.

Return Policy 

You can return your treadmill within 30 days of purchase for a full refund if you are not 100% satisfied. 


You can contact Horizon Fitness at 800-335-4348 to get in touch.


Is there financing available for the Horizon T101 Treadmill?

Yes. Through the Horizon Financing Program, you can pay as little as $20 per month for the Horizon T101. With the money you save on a gym membership, those payments will be easy to make.

Does the Horizon T101 treadmill come fully assembled?

The Horizon T101 comes partially assembled. That is, most of the machine is already put together, but you’ll have to put in about half an hour of work to prepare it for its first use.

How large is the box that the Horizon T101 ships in?

The treadmill comes in a box that is approximately 73 inches long, 30 inches wide, and 12 inches deep.