Here’s How Chris Bumstead Is Training His Arms After a Biceps Tear

The four-time Classic Physique Olympia champ is easing back into the weight room after a much-needed vacation.

Chris Bumstead is on his way back. After the reigning king of the Classic Physique division bagged his fourth Olympia win at the end of 2022, he took several weeks off of training to rest and mend a torn biceps.

On Saturday, Feb. 11, 2023, Bumstead hit YouTube with a new training vlog in which he updated his fanbase on the nature of his injury, how he’s working around it, and his current approach to training his arms. Check it out:

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Chris Bumstead Biceps Tear Update

Over the course of his arm workout, Bumstead gradually revealed more information about the condition of his biceps tear. “My biceps doesn’t hurt, but it’s so tight it feels like I can barely move it sometimes,” he said during his arm day. 

Bumstead acknowledged his propensity for suffering injuries during contest prep and expressed that he was taking a “come what may” approach this time, still working hard to mend his existing injury. He cheekily commented that he “wasn’t hurt,” urging his coach, Hany Rambod, not to watch the video. 

Chris Bumstead’s Post-Olympia Arm Workout

“I’m trying to do movements I haven’t done in a while, and I’m doing them light,” Bumstead told the camera as he prepared for his first “official” arm workout since prior to the 2022 Mr. Olympia. Bumstead mentioned that taking several weeks off from the gym altogether, coupled with his ongoing injury, has sensitized him to resistance training:

I get so sore right now because I’m so untrained that it feels like the first time I ever lifted weights.

Bumstead kicked off his workout with an unspecified, off-camera warm-up before heading to the bench press station for a few sets of close-grip work. He mentioned that he’s only taking his biceps to around “70 or 80 percent of failure,” to ensure he doesn’t aggravate his injury. Here are the exercises Bumstead performed on camera

Note: Bumstead performed EZ-bar biceps curls and overhead triceps extensions with the rope attachment, but they weren’t caught on camera. 

Bumstead mentioned that while he’s rehabbing his biceps and taking it easy in the gym, he wants to focus on impeccable mind-muscle connection and good technique that will carry forward once he’s back in fighting shape. 

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Featured Image: @cbum on Instagram